Episode 128

Nicola Tesla (b. 1856, d. 1943), was one of the most influential and brilliant scientists of all time.

Tesla invented and developed alternating current (AC) transmission and generation technologies for electricity.

Anytime you plug a cord into a wall socket, you are using technology developed by Tesla.

“If you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, you would have a KEY to the Universe.”  NICOLA TESLA

According to Tesla, the numbers 36, 9, form a “magical” code that represents and controls in part, how the Universe actually works.

Tesla also believed the numbers 3, 6, 9 represent a “vector” from the third dimension where we live, into fourth dimension and higher dimensions of the energetic realms. 

The 3,6,9 vector is called a “flux field” of energy.   A flux field is a flow of energy along pre-determined energy lines.

The 369 manifestation method is attributed to Nicola Tesla and is based on the Law of Attraction.

I am offering a Free 3 Lesson Mini-Course on 369 Manifesting available on Podia.com

I am also a Free E-book on 369 Manifesting that you can download immediately from this site.

What are the steps for 369 manifesting?

Let the Universe work its magic for you and bring what you desire out of the energetic realms back to you the physical realm based on the numbers 3,6,9.

Using the 369 manifesting method will help you create a positive impact in your own life and manifest the people, events and circumstances you truly desire.

Out There on the Edge of Everything® …

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2023, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
