EPISODE 195The term “singularity” is often associated with a singularity occurring in technology, a hypothetical point in the future where artificial intelligence (AI), surpasses human intelligence, leading...
A Personal Singularity
Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash Listen to this blog post: Stephen Lesavich, PhD · A Personal SingularityThe term “singularity” is often associated with a singularity occurring in technology, a...
Podcast: Interview with Holistic Health Expert JulieE, MPH, RD
EPISODE 194An interview with Holistic Health Expert, JulieE, MPH, RD, from the Los Angeles, California, metro area.Julie is Registered Dietitian, with a Masters of Public Health, a Functional and Energy Medicine...
Podcast: The Power of WE Instead of the power of me
EPISODE 193“Politicians and political divisions are creating an environment of ME, instead of an environment of WE.” Stephen Lesavich, PhDThis environment of ME is creating the chaotic energy of change...
Podcast: The Power of Perseverance
EPISODE 192During the Olympics, athletes from around the world share their stories of dedication, hard work, and resilience in the face of their own individual challenges as “the power of perseverance...