Thinking Inside the Box

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on UnsplashLISTEN TO THIS BLOG POST:Stephen Lesavich, PhD · Thinking Inside the BoxIt is very popular to be told to “think outside the box” in business and in your life.Thinking “outside...

Podcast: Thinking Inside the Box

EPISODE 209It is very popular to be told to “think outside the box” in business and in your life.Thinking “outside the box” encourages creativity and looking beyond current boundaries, comfort zones and...

Stop Looking for the Clouds

Photo by Carlos Torres on UnsplashLISTEN TO THIS BLOG POST:Stephen Lesavich, PhD · Stop Looking for the CloudsAre you focusing on negativity, doubt, pessimism or being a victim in your own life?Then you are...

Dr. Stephen Lesavich -

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Pivot anyone?

Photo by Adrien Bruneau on Unsplash Listen to this blog post:Stephen Lesavich, PhD · Pivot anyone?Pivoting in your personal life refers to a crossroads in your life and making a significant shift in your habits...

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