Wonder Woman –Wikipedia Free Public Use – Interior artwork from Justice #5 (June 2006). Pencils by Doug Braithwaite, paints by Alex Ross.LISTEN TO THIS BLOGPOST: Stephen...
Dr. Stephen Lesavich - SLesavich.com
Editor’s picks:
Podcast: Do You Need a Tech Detox?
EPISODE 210Using technology on a regular basis will impact your mental, physical, and social well-being.The excessive use of technology can create some very real, negative effects in your life.What are some of the...
Podcast: Thinking Inside the Box
EPISODE 209It is very popular to be told to “think outside the box” in business and in your life.Thinking “outside the box” encourages creativity and looking beyond current boundaries, comfort zones and established...
Podcast: Stop Looking for the Clouds
EPISODE 208Are you focusing on negativity, doubt, pessimism or being a victim in your own life?Then you are always looking for the clouds in your own life.Can you shift toward optimism, action and mindfulness...
This Week’s Hottest:
Immutable Realities
Photo by Jonathan Larson on UnsplashListen to this Blog Post:Stephen Lesavich, PhD · Immutable RealitiesThere are many times in your personal life where you face a situation that you cannot change.Such a situation is...
What are you afraid of?
Photo by Khaled Ali on Unsplash Listen to the this blog post:Stephen Lesavich, PhD · what are you afraid of?Fear is a basic human emotion that is triggered by a perceived threat, which can be real or imagined. It is a...
The Power of WE Instead of the power of me
Photo by Duy Pham on UnsplashLISTEN TO THIS BLOG POST:Stephen Lesavich, PhD · The Power Of We Instead of the power of weI have thinking about what I was going to write for this blog post, which originally was number 100...