It is very popular to be told to “think outside the box” in business and in your life.
Thinking “outside the box” encourages creativity and looking beyond current boundaries, comfort zones and established processes, to find novel solutions.
However, “thinking inside box” is very different concept.
“Thinking inside box” is beneficial in situations where consistency, accuracy and speed are necessary.
“Thinking inside the box” creates box boundaries that enhance creativity rather than restrict it.
If you were to create a “think inside the box,” what would your box look like?
What would the boundaries of your box look like?
“The four sides of my ‘think inside the box’ use the 4 C’s including the concepts of connection, cooperation, collaboration and co-creation with a ‘positive impact outcome’ core.”
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
The four sides of my box includes the concepts of the 4 C’s:
- Connection
- Cooperation
- Collaboration
- Co-Creation
The center core of my box includes the concept of a “positive impact outcome” that is desired by “thinking inside the box.”
Copyright © 2021, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD – All rights reserved.
“Thinking inside the box” influences team dynamics and community building in a very unique positive way that is novel, enriching and empowering and makes team members and a community of individuals responsible for both each other and the positive impact outcome.
“Thinking inside the box” also encourages the team members and the community of individuals to connect to their own intuition, which is everyone’s first sense, that operates outside the five senses of sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste. Your intuition provides you with inner insights without the need for conscious reasoning.
“Thinking inside the box” helps reduce, fear, division, separation and rejection of others by inclusion of all individuals in a pre-defined container with established boundaries.
What are some of the characteristics of the four sides of my box?
- Connection: Connection is the foundation side of my box. Establishing strong connections between team members or a community of individuals establishes a first piece of “in the box” framework for all other interactions. It is very important that the connection side of my box include trust and mutual understanding of all team members or the community of individuals.
- Cooperation: Once connections are established, the second side of my box is cooperation. We create a list of shared goals and responsibilities that create cooperation to help teams and communities work together smoothly and effectively. The list of shared goals and responsibilities helps align all individual efforts towards a collective, positive impact outcome and also reduces conflicts while increasing efficiency of the teams and communities.
- Collaboration: With cooperation in place, collaboration is the next side of my box. This is where creativity and innovation come into play. Collaborative environments encourage the sharing of ideas, skills, and resources, leading to enhanced problem-solving capabilities. Each of the team members and individuals in the communities have education, experiences and skills they can add to the collaborative efforts.
- Co-Creation: The final side of my box is about co-creation. Co-creation involves teams and the individuals in the communities acting as true partners actively creating value together, including developing new products, services, and community initiatives. The benefits of co-creation include an increased sense of ownership and engagement among participants, leading to sustainable, long-lasting, positive impact results.
Using my “Think inside the box” with the four sides of my box including the concepts of connection, cooperation, collaboration and co-creation will allow you to create a collective as well as individual positive impact outcome in your life and the life of others.
I leave you with this question, If you were to create a “think inside the box,” what would your box look like?
Leave me a comment to tell me what your “think inside the box” box would look like.
Out There on the Edge of Everything®…
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2025 by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
#insidethebox #change #personalgrowth #selfhelp #lesavich #lifecoach #outsidethebox
#connection #cooperation #collaboration #cocreation
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