An “edge” is place of contrast, a place of chaos, where boundaries are visible and encountered. Change occurs at life’s edges. Change events can be unwanted or intentionally initiated in your life.
When you face unwanted change at a current edge in your life such as a breakup, divorce, death, loss of a job, a new living situation, etc., it is an opportunity for you to expand and grow into new relationships, experiences, skills and opportunities.
When you desire to intentionally initiate change in your life, you voluntarily create new edges and new boundaries in your life where change can occur.
These new edges and new boundaries create triggers for new environments, situations and people to enter your life which bring in the opportunities for your personal growth.
When an edge occurs in your life, you have evaluate the risk versus reward of choices available to you to manifest change in your life.
You then create a long-term vision and short-term vision for your desired changes.
Your long-term vision and short-term vision provide you with support and accountability so you can create the life of your dreams.
My blog posts and podcasts provide you with new insights into those edgy life situations that cause so much anxiety and stress.
My blog posts and podcasts also provide you with useful and practical information, insights and guidance for those situations you may encounter on the interesting edges of your life.
Out There on the Edge of Everything®…
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2013 by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
#edge #chaos #change #lesavich #unwantedchange #intentionalchange
Blog Post #0. The post with the seed ideas for all my blog posts and podcasts.
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