Podcast: Thinking Inside the Box


It is very popular to be told to “think outside the box” in business and in your life.

Thinking “outside the box” encourages creativity and looking beyond current boundaries, comfort zones and established processes, to find novel solutions.

However, “thinking inside box” is very different concept.

“Thinking inside box” is beneficial in situations where consistency, accuracy, speed are necessary.

“Thinking inside the box” creates box boundaries that enhance creativity rather than restrict it.

The four sides of my ‘think inside the box’ use the 4 C’s including the concepts of connection, cooperation, collaboration and co-creation with a ‘positive impact outcome’ core.”

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

If you were to create a “think inside the box,” what would your box look like?

Using my “Think inside the box” with the four sides of my box including the concepts of connection, cooperation, collaboration and co-creation will allow you to create a collective as well as individual positive impact outcome in your life and the life of others.

I leave you with this question, If you were to create a “think inside the box,” what would your box look like?

Leave me a comment to tell me what your “think inside the box” box would look like.

Out There on the Edge of Everything®

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2025 by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

#insidethebox #change #personalgrowth #selfhelp #lesavich #lifecoach #outsidethebox

#connection #cooperation #collaboration #cocreation


Dr. Stephen Lesavich

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