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A trajectory is defined as “a path, progression, or line of development.”

A physical trajectory is defined as “a curved path that an object takes as it moves through space.”

An energetic trajectory is a “path you are following your life right now based in part on your emotions.”

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

What is the trajectory of your life right now?

It is it pointing downward based on negative emotions, towards negative outcomes?

Or is it pointing upward with positive emotions, towards positive outcomes?

Your current energetic trajectory is a measure of forward movement in your life, progress in your own personal growth and your relationships with others.

Ask yourself, what is the current trajectory of your personal life?

What is the trajectory of your personal growth?

What is the current trajectory of your professional life?

What is the trajectory of your professional growth?

Is your current trajectory in all these areas the same or different?

Are you happy with your current trajectory in each of these areas?

Is there any trajectory in your life you would like to change? If so, which one?

PODCAST: What is Your Trajectory?

How can you change your personal energetic trajectory to make a positive impact in your own life?

  1. Determine the Energetic Angle of Your Trajectory. If the energetic angle of your trajectory is pointing downwards, you are experiencing negative emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, anger, etc. You are living your life in an dis-empowered state in which are blaming others for your current situation, seeing yourself as a victim and living your life based on the decisions of others. If the energetic angle trajectory of your trajectory is pointed in an upward direction, you are experiencing positive emotions such as peace, love, joy, contentment, etc. You are living your life in an empowered state in which you are taking responsibility for your own actions and co-creating the life you desire. Change the angle of your energetic trajectory by changing your emotions.
  2. Determine Your Behavior Patterns and Emotional Triggers of Your Trajectory. To change the energetic angle of your trajectory, you need to change your behavior patterns. Behavior patterns are activated and repeated because of emotional triggers and initiate an automatic personal response in you. If you can understand your own emotional triggers and identify when they occur, you give yourself the opportunity to react in a new and different way than you may have done in the past. New reactions to your emotional triggers allow you to change your behavior patterns and allow you to change the energetic angle of your trajectory.
  3. Make New Decisions to Change Your Behavior Patterns to Change Your Trajectory. Once your have determined your behavior patterns and your emotional triggers, decide to make new decisions and practice new behaviors moving forward taking responsibility for your decisions. Make new decisions based on positive emotions such peace, joy, love, courage, etc. Making new decisions based on positive emotions will attract new people, situations and events into your life that match the energy of these positive emotions. Making new decisions when your are triggered emotionally allows you to change the energetic angle of our trajectory in an upwards direction and co-create the life you truly desire.

Taking steps to adjust the angle of your energetic trajectory will allow you to make a positive impact in your own life.

Out There on the Edge of Everything®…

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2020, 2023 by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
