Is Pressure Really a Privilege?


Dak Prescott, the Quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys in talking about potentially earning $140 million dollars for a new contract to play football was quoted as saying:

“Pressure is a privilege, and I’m privileged to have it.” 

Dak Prescott – Quarterback Dallas Cowboys

Is pressure really a privilege outside professional sports?

Is being under pressure really a privilege in your life? Or is being under pressure actually a burden?

The phrase “pressure is a privilege” is often used to convey the idea that you are in a position where you feel pressure in your life.

Feeling pressure in your life means you are doing something significant or important in your own life.

What are some of the advantages of having pressure as a privilege in your own life?

  1. Opportunity: Feeling pressure often accompanies opportunities for your own personal growth, success, and achievement. If you’re under pressure, it often means you’re in a situation where you can make a meaningful impact.
  2. Responsibility: Feeling pressure can indicate that others trust you with important responsibilities. This trust is a form of recognition of your abilities and potential.
  3. Performance: Feeling pressure in high-pressure situations can bring out the best you, pushing you to perform at your highest level. Many high achievers thrive under pressure.
  4. Learning and Growth: Feeling pressure and coping with it can teach you valuable lessons in resilience, confidence, problem-solving, risk management and stress management. These experiences can help you grow personally and professionally.

How can you use any pressures you are feeling in your own life for personal growth?

Using the concept of “pressure is a privilege” for personal growth involves reframing how you perceive and respond to challenging situations in your own life.

Here are some practical steps to leverage pressure as a privilege for your own benefit:

1. Change Your Mindset

  • Reframe the Pressure: Instead of seeing pressure as a threat, view it as an opportunity to showcase your skills and abilities. Recognize that being trusted with significant tasks is a sign of your competence.
  • Embrace Challenges: Understand that challenges come with growth. The more you push your boundaries, the more you develop.

2. Set Clear Goals

  • Define Success: Clearly outline what success looks like and feels like in the high-pressure situation in your own life. This helps you stay focused and motivated.
  • Break Down Tasks: Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes the pressure feel less overwhelming and helps you maintain progress.

3. Develop Coping Strategies

  • Practice Stress Management: Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress and keep you calm under pressure.
  • Stay Organized: Use tools like to-do lists, planners, and calendars to stay on top of your responsibilities. Being organized reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed.

4. Build Resilience

  • Learn from Failures: View setbacks as learning opportunities. Analyze what went wrong and how you can improve next time.
  • Stay Persistent: Develop a persistent “never give up” attitude. Resilience builds over time as you face and overcome challenges.

5. Seek Support

  • Find Mentors and Peers: Surround yourself with positive supportive people who can offer advice, encouragement, and feedback.
  • Communicate: Don’t be afraid to share your struggles with trusted friends or colleagues. Sometimes, just talking about your pressures and adversities can alleviate some of the stress.

6. Reflect and Adapt

  • Self-Reflection: Regularly take time to reflect on your experiences. Ask yourself these questions: What did you learn? How did you grow? What would you do differently next time?
  • Adapt and Improve: Use your reflections to adapt your own risk management strategies and improve your approach to handling pressure in the future.

7. Celebrate Successes

  • Acknowledge Achievements: Celebrate your wins, no matter how small and reward yourself in an appropriate way. Recognizing your achievements under pressure will boost your confidence and motivation.

By adopting these strategies, you can transform pressure from a source of stress into a powerful catalyst for personal growth and development and create a positive impact in your own life.

Out There on the Edge of Everything® …

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2024 by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.


Dr. Stephen Lesavich

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