High Vibrational Living (HVL)

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Everything in the world is composed of energy, that is constantly in motion. All energy has a vibrational frequency, how fast the energy is moving.

Even objects that appear to be solid and stationary, like rocks and trees, are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various vibrational frequencies.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy.”

Albert Einstein

High Vibrational Living (HVL) is a concept often discussed in self-help, wellness and spiritual circles.

High Vibrational Living (HVL) also revolves around the idea that everything in the universe, including humans, is made up of energy that is constantly vibrating at various frequencies.

HVL theory suggests that living a “high vibrational life” involves raising your energy frequency through changing your attitudes and making different lifestyle choices.

To live your life at a higher vibration, it’s important to engage in practices that elevate your energy levels and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Here are some effective techniques to live a High Vibrational Life:

  1. Use Positive Words and Language: Using positive words and positive language when you speak can significantly raise your vibration by shifting your thoughts and your energy from negative to positive. This helps create a more positive outlook on life and transforms your energy to a higher vibrational frequency to live a High Vibrational Life.
  2. Use Declarations: A “declaration” is a formal or explicit statement or announcement of a state or condition that you already know to be true.  Declarations start with the words, “I declare …”  It is a commitment to a desired result.  A declaration is a statement of direct instructions to the Universe for creating a High Vibrational Life. 
  3. Trust Your Intuition: Your Intuition is your inner guidance system, that operates on a vibration of truth and love and helps you stay authentic and in integrity with your soul plan. Your intuition operates outside your ego. Your Intuition provides you with inspired, specific and direct actions you can take so you can create a High Vibrational Life.
  4. Apply Power Instead of Force: Power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence your own behavior and the course of events in your own life with your intuition. Force is overcoming of resistance by the exertion of physical or mental strength to influence the course of events in your own life with your ego. Your power comes from your first sense, your intuition, also referred to as your sixth sense.  Your intuition is your power connection to the Divine (i.e., God, Creator, Spirit, etc.) that helps creates a High Vibrational Life for you.
  5. Be a Neutral Observer:  Look at any situation, event or person in your life from the perspective of a neutral observer.  A neutral observer is someone who perceives a situation, event or person from a new higher point of view and a higher and expanded level of consciousness without forming any judgements or criticisms of the situation, event or person. Being a neutral observer in every situation raises your vibration to help create a High Vibrational Life.
  6. Maintain a Positive State of Responsibility: A positive state of responsibility includes being answerable or accountable for something and having authority, control and courage over your decisions. The emotion of courage is the crossover point between negative and positive emotions and is a tipping point emotion. Applying a positive state of responsibility helps you create a High Vibrational Life.
  7. Practice Appreciation: Appreciation is defined as “recognition and enjoyment of the value and good qualities of something and a full understanding of a situation.” Expressing appreciation applies a high frequency, positive energy to any situation helping you create a High Vibrational Life.
  8. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular meditation and mindfulness practices can calm your mind and align your personal energy with higher frequencies. This is crucial for clearing negative emotions, negative feelings and enhancing spiritual awareness for a High Vibrational Life.
  9. Diet and Hydration: Consuming fresh, organic, and high-vibrational foods helps raise your vibration. Processed foods significantly lower your vibration. Staying hydrated by drinking water daily and choosing fresh, nutritious foods also support your physical energetic balance and raise your vibrational frequency to help create a High Vibrational for you.

High Vibrational Living (HVL) is a life filled with joy, clarity, peace, promoting overall physical, mental, and spiritual health and creates a significant positive impact in your life.

Out There on the Edge of Everything®…

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2024, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

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Dr. Stephen Lesavich

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