nexus point is defined as “a point on your personal timeline that is a critical moment in your life where a specific event, unique set of circumstances or a person has a significantly and profound impact on your life moving forward based on the choices you may make.”

nexus point is so pivotal on your personal timeline, an energy line, that it becomes an entry point for a large number of possible choices and possible outcomes in your life. 

nexus point is defined as “a point on your personal timeline that is a critical moment in your life where a specific event, unique set of circumstances or a person has a significantly and profound impact on your life moving forward based on the choices you may make.”

Examples of personal nexus points include meeting your significant other, a marriage, a birth, moving to a new city, graduating from college, starting a new career, being promoted to a new position, etc.

Scientific researchers consider nexus points as points that cause a branch in the timeline of a person leading to the creation of multiple different possible timelines from that point.

How you do make the best choices when a nexus point occurs in your life?

Making the best choices when a nexus point occurs in your life creates a positive impact in your life.

Out There on the Edge of Everything®

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2024, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
