I was just in Madison, Wisconsin to attend a college graduation ceremony as my daughter graduated from the University of Wisconsin.

During the graduation ceremony, one of the graduation speakers told the audience that the campus in Madison, Wisconsin, on which the university sits was originally land that was part of Native American Ho- Chunk Nation.  The Ho-Chunk people are called “the people of the scared voice.

This speaker went on to talk about how the Native American Ho-Chunk women would start with a single bead on a thread and keep adding additional beads of different colors to that thread.  This process would be repeated on a large number of threads.  The threads with all the beads were then weaved together until they created a beautiful work of art.

You create the fabric of your own life by adding personal experiences, your own beads, to threads in your own life. 

Metaphorically this bead work refers to the essential elements that make up and shape your own personal experiences and existence.

How do you create a new, unique tapestry in your own life?

Creating a new, beautiful unique tapestry allows you to create a positive impact in your own life and inspire others.

Out There on the Edge of Everything®

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2024, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
