Podcast: 8.90 meters


I was watching ESPN Outside the Lines and they were talking about Bob Beamon.

This story really inspired me.

On October 18, 1968, in the 19th Olympic Games in Mexico City, Bob Beamon jumped 8.90 meters, or 29 feet, 2.5 inches in the long jump, a new world record.

This distance is still an Olympic record in the long jump and one of the oldest Olympic records.

This event has been the “Leap of the Century” and is also just called “The Jump.”

In “The Jump” Beamon advanced the world record by 22 inches. In the previous 33 years before that, the record in the long jump record had advanced by only 9 inches.

“The Jump” created a new word in the dictionary, “Beamonesque” which means “a spectacular or remarkable achievement.”

Being “Beamonesque” is doing something that is way beyond your imagination, way beyond the outer limits you believed possible.

Being “Beamonesque” is doing something that fundamentally changes the expectations or perceptions in your life or in particular field.

You can work towards creating a defining Beamonesque moment in your own life that mirrors the groundbreaking event of Bob Beamon’s long jump record.

What steps you can follow to create a Beamonesque event in your own life?

Creating a Beamonesque event will result in extraordinary achievements and amazing positive impacts in your own life and possibly even your own new word in a dictionary.

Out There on the Edge of Everything® …

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2024, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.


Dr. Stephen Lesavich

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